Manage your bacon
Manage your life

Bacon & Heels is here to help you make sense of your money.


Manage your bacon
Manage your life

Bacon & Heels is here to help you make sense of your money.


Manage your bacon
Manage your life

Bacon & Heels is here to help you make sense of your money.


Manage your bacon
Manage your life

Bacon & Heels is here to help you make sense of your money.



Bacon & Heels is a personal finance blog dedicated to helping women learn more about money and help them make smart money decisions by sharing interactive tools and interesting articles to help them save, invest and earn more money.

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Financial Calculators and Printables

Here are a few FREE financial tools to help you increase your savings, slay your debt and  manage your your cash. 

Calculator and coins on table

Financial Calculators
